Wine Gifts
Looking for a wine gift? Rosewood wine set has a brass engraving plate and stainless steel tools. Stainless steel tools: waiter’s key corkscrew, pourer with stopper, drip ring and bottle stopper. Pieces fit snugly in foam insert. Lifetime guarantee. Supplier is QCA certified. The terrific gift for the wine enthusiast. Item PL-7705, minimum 15 boxes at 19.95 each, 75 + 19.25 each. Set up is 80.00 set up. Size:5-3/4″ x 6-3/4″. Plate on box is laser engraved, imprint area: 1-1/2″w x 1/2″h on brass engraving plate.
 Rosewood box with laser engraved plate, wine opener, wine pourer, wine stopper and drip ring. PL-7707
Order today! 877-351-2627
Tags: affordable wine gift, drip ring, lasered wine tool gift box, low minimum wine gift set, wine advertising item, Wine Gifts, wine ring, Wine Stopper, wine stopper in gift set, wine tool gift set, Wine Tool Set, Wine Tools Posted in Products, Wine Stoppers, Wine Tools |
Are you wanting to give something that wows your recipients this holiday season? A beautiful box with 4 piece wine set is sure to make an impression from the time you give it. Space for one wine bottle, (wine not included). Imagine your gift being used at the next wine tasting or special event. Your name or logo can be laser engraved and color filled in silver up to 4 sq inches on the top of the box. Includes a silk liner and cover board, corkscrew, wine stopper, wine pourer and foil grip. Minimum imprinted is 6 pieces, 30.44 ea, 27.43 ea for 12-24, 25.16 ea for 25-49, 23.52 ea for 50-99 and 22.40 for 100 or more sets. Set up 55.00. Unimprinted price is 27.43 min 6 pieces. Wooden box dimension is 3- 1/2″h x 13- 1/4″ w x 3- 1/2″ d (inside dimensions). Order yours today for beautiful gifting.
 Wine tool box lasered with your logo makes wonderful gift # L-19901
Beautiful wine tools in box makes elegant gift. Item # L-19901 877-351-2627
Tags: business gift, business holiday wine gift, customer appreciation gifts, executive wine tools, holiday wine gifts, imprinted holiday gift, Imprinted wine gift, imprinted wine gifts, imprinted wine tool case, thank you gifts, thank you wine gifts, Wine Gifts, wine tasting gift, Wine Tool, wine tool gift box, wine tool gift set, wine tools for business gift, wine tools in box Posted in Order Today, Products, Special deals, Wine Stoppers, Wine Tools |
Want to make an impression this holiday season? Beautiful black leather wine tote with shiny insulated and padded interior will hold two bottles of wine. Folding separator inside keeps the wine bottles safe and ready to transport or gift. Outside can be imprinted in one color or debossed. Packaged individually in gift boxes. Minimum is 25 pieces imprinted or debossed and prices start at 27.95 ea at 25, 26.95 at 50, 25.95 at 100 and 24.95 at 250, with a set up of 56.25. Order early as these are expected to be very popular this giving season. Item # EH3515.
 Why just bring the wine when you can present it in a beautiful tote #EH3515
Order your today! 877-351-2627
Tags: business gift, classy wine gift, debossed wine tote, holiday business gift, imprinted business gift, Imprinted wine gift, imprinted wine tote, insulated double wine tote, insulated two bottle tote, insulated wine tote, leather wine tote, Wine Gifts, Wine Tote Posted in Order Today, Products, Wine Totes |